McLovin Mohamed Atta
Mohamed Atta, in case you were unaware, was one of the September 11 bombers.
McLovin is the unimonikered name (like 'Madonna' or 'Cher') on a fake ID central to the plot of the upcoming movie Super Bad. In the film, a teenager uses the fake ID to purchase beer and, according the the trailers, gets into all kinds of adventures.
Well, I just had my own McLovin experience and I cannot fucking believe it.
I've been looking forward to the new Cohen Bros film, No Country for Old Men. After I saw this piece on CHUD about the redband trailer, I had to see it.
I was cockblocked by the sinister age verification system from Integrity. It required a valid license (and by valid they meant American, of course) and the usual trick of using 90210 and the name Jason Priestly didn't cut the ice.
I jumped on Google Image search to see if any naïve soul had scanned their ID for my nefarious purpose of being 29, Australian and wanting to watch a movie trailer. Guess who delivered? The Department of Homeland Security. They had the scan of one of the September 11 hijacker's driver's license on their website.
I typed in the details that were on the card and it worked. I couldn't believe it. I think I may have been the first person in the world to have found a positive use for one of the murderous bastards.
Now I must go back to completely ruling the Internet with my topical use of IDs and scamming the system.
Postscript: I may have been the first to use Atta's details, but other's have found similarly hilarious IDs that you can use. Try these:
George Bush
np: 'Lady Evil' – Black Sabbath
'One Beer' – MF Doom
McLovin is the unimonikered name (like 'Madonna' or 'Cher') on a fake ID central to the plot of the upcoming movie Super Bad. In the film, a teenager uses the fake ID to purchase beer and, according the the trailers, gets into all kinds of adventures.
Well, I just had my own McLovin experience and I cannot fucking believe it.
I've been looking forward to the new Cohen Bros film, No Country for Old Men. After I saw this piece on CHUD about the redband trailer, I had to see it.
I was cockblocked by the sinister age verification system from Integrity. It required a valid license (and by valid they meant American, of course) and the usual trick of using 90210 and the name Jason Priestly didn't cut the ice.
I jumped on Google Image search to see if any naïve soul had scanned their ID for my nefarious purpose of being 29, Australian and wanting to watch a movie trailer. Guess who delivered? The Department of Homeland Security. They had the scan of one of the September 11 hijacker's driver's license on their website.
I typed in the details that were on the card and it worked. I couldn't believe it. I think I may have been the first person in the world to have found a positive use for one of the murderous bastards.
Now I must go back to completely ruling the Internet with my topical use of IDs and scamming the system.
Postscript: I may have been the first to use Atta's details, but other's have found similarly hilarious IDs that you can use. Try these:
George Bush
Daniel Glickman *
np: 'Lady Evil' – Black Sabbath
'One Beer' – MF Doom
Labels: McLovin, No Country for Old Men, September 11