September 11, 2006

jason fortuny will eventually die. and that makes me happy.

Jason Fortuny, you are officially the biggest wanker on the Internet. Ever.

No words can describe, no cliche can encapsulate the utter worthlessness of the kind of person who would do this, then claim moral superiority as a justification.

No other thirty-year-old could use MySpace, Live Journal and Encyclopedia Dramatica at the same time and proclaim he is anything other than a hopeless twixter in denial about the pathetic lows of his own life.

I hope he lives long enough to see his life ruined by his unthinking smugness.

What I can't wait for is his realisation that all of his "supporters" will not actually do anything to support him, while his new-found legion of enemies will not rest until his existence become a misery of court dates, debt and lonely nights updating his LiveJournal. Then he might realise, long after his notoriety is finished (so, about this time next week) that life after a mention on Fark has very real consequences.

I suspect he has been sheltered from any real life-altering events, which probably explains his loud proclamations of immunity from reality.

More on Wired.

UPDATE: Someone took the time to give back some to Jason Fortuny. Turns out that he's a whiny little Trekky bitch without pubes who has to sell his toy collection to get by. Ah, the arrogant interweb warrior is suddenly rendered pathetic by truthiness.


Blogger Desci said...

Jesus, what a cunt.

And this coming from the girl who posts freakline (and never posts their names or numbers, besides how creepy or fucked up I think they are).

I'll be interested to see where this all goes.

9:09 pm, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What he did is the kind of thing that gets you shot.

9:56 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger Lumpen said...

You said it Desci. The difference between Freakline and Fortuny's "experiment" is that no lives will be ruined, no-one forced to publicly defend what is meant to be private. But it wouldn't suprise me that he couldn't see the difference between lying and luring and publishing random comments divorced from the person who made it.
I really, really want something bad to happen to him.

10:16 pm, September 11, 2006  

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