February 12, 2007

two hundredth post!

Got nothing special for this entry other than a) the podcast is in production and b) you should check out The Pirate Bay's Oscartorrents. (thanks boingboing)

Read their brilliant 'Legal' Notice!

To those worried about downloading in case they get sued: by our calculations, your chances of getting nailed are way less than your chances of winning the lottery. Don't think twice about it.

To all intellectual property landlords: we are aware that OscarTorrents might annoy you – but contain your righteous indignation for a while, and think: we're only linking to torrents that already exist. Face it: your membrane has burst, and it wasn't us who burst it. Your precious bodily fluids are escaping.

You haven't beaten us, so why not join us? Think of a new business model that doesn't involve overpriced pieces of plastic and skanky cinemas hawking cheap carbohydrates while relying on $6/hr projectionists who can't keep a film in focus – not to mention insulting your audiences by (to pick a few examples) surveilling us with nightvision glasses, searching bags, 30 minutes of commercials and bombarding us with ridiculous anti-piracy propaganda. Take a look at yourselves. Is it really any wonder we're winning?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dude, last night i baked gingerbread animals for some friends for valentines day and thought of you as i iced the gimp gorillas with liquorice masks and harnesses and silver ball studs. Some even ended up as raver chimps with liquorice allsort belts and collars. I didn't have time to take photos but hopefully someone will find them endearing enough to take pictures of and send back to me. then you will see them in all their glory. or i could bake you a batch for your birthday, which is...?

1:22 pm, February 14, 2007  

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